

Your support matters – This is why!

By donating to the VSL, you support our work for the vegan cause.

As a registered non-profit organization, the VSL is dependent on financial contributions to work toward our goals and fulfil our missions. We are committed to offering and partaking in diverse events in all the domains that our members care about (animal rights, climate change and sustainability, health & nutrition, social events etc.).

Besides organizing public activities and events, we also work tirelessly in the background to promote veganism:

  • we give educational presentations to private and public organizations;
  • we raise awareness at markets and events; 
  • we establish partnerships with vegan businesses and other organizations and explore opportunities on how to support them; 
  • we answer press requests;
  • we support members that seek our help; 
  • we petition and engage with business and political representatives; etc.

The members of the VSL committee are all volunteers. We invest our free time and our own resources to do this work that may not be visible at first glance, because we believe in our mission of reducing animal suffering, reducing the adverse effects of climate change and of promoting a healthy diet.

Financial contributions are used to organize the VSL’s events, as well as to cover our running administrative costs (such as fees for the website, banking, publicity, insurance, printing etc.) We also donate to other organizations, such as the International Animals Rights Conference (IARC). 

Please consider donating to the VSL.

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Donation Total: 10,00€